It’s time to pack backpacks for Appalachian Christmas Outreach!
Our goal for our association is to collect 300 backpacks. Please contact Jackie Lawrence (828-964-0408) or Suzanne at the association office (828-264-4482) if you have questions. If you would like for someone to speak to your church, mission group, Sunday School Class, etc. just let us know!
There are several ways that you can participate!
PRAY for this ministry! These backpacks will be distributed in West Virginia early in December, date TBA. The gospel will be presented that day. Pray for the harvest!
Packing complete backpacks with all suggested items. (See list below and on BOM website)
​Donated items to be packed into bags can be brought to the Association Building anytime before November. (See Sign Up Genius link) ​
Donate money for backpack items.
Donate money to help buy food boxes for each family that will get a backpack. (total cost for this is about $10,000.)
Join distribution team in December, 2024, TBA!
We need the following age backpacks:
4-7 yr old: need 50 for each gender
8-10 yr old: need 12 for each gender
11-14 yr old: need 50 for each gender
15-17 yr old: need 12 for each gender
Each zippered school backpack should include:
1) Small items of NEW clothing such as winter hats, gloves, socks, underwear, scarf, rolled t-shirts, etc.
2) Small pop-top canned food such as ravioli, tuna, beef stew, vegetables, fruit (3-4 cans)
3) At least one NEW, age appropriate non-breakable toy. Examples: small cars, balls, dolls, small stuffed animals, yo-yos, jump rope, sidewalk chalk, Slinky, card games, Legos, other (no toy weapons, please!)
4) Hygiene items including toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, washcloth, brush or comb, shampoo, deodorant (please fit these items into a one gallon Ziploc bag so they will not leak out).
5) A children’s or youth Bible (no particular version is required)
6) Fresh, wrapped candy (no chocolate please, as it may melt – and no peanut products please due to allergies)
7) A copy of "The Christmas Story" (downloadable and printable .pdf found on NCBM website)