Resources to learn more about the birth of Jesus
The Story of the Birth of Jesus
It would take an extraordinary man and an extraordinary event to heal this broken relationship. The extraordinary man was Jesus. Jesus IS God, and existed eternally before His birth. But He chose to insert Himself into human history and be born as a human child. This was the first step toward healing the broken relationship between God and man.
Even though the exact date of Jesus' birth is unknown, most Christians around the world choose to celebrate His birth on December 25. (Some Orthodox churches and others who still observe the Julian calendar celebrate on January 7.) It is a fitting time of year to celebrate. At a time when the light comes back into the world after the Winter Solstice, we celebrate the light of Jesus coming into the world to rescue us from the darkness of our own sins and the shared sin of the world.
On the night Jesus was born angels appeared to shepherds, letting them know that a Savior had been born, and that they should go see for themselves. They did go see, and worshipped Him as Lord and King. A bright light also appeared in the sky above Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. This light led men from far away to come and worship Him as well.
Christmas is a day Christians set aside for remembering and celebrating the fact that Jesus chose to leave His home in Heaven and be born as a human being. He did not have to do this, but chose to do it because He loves us, and knew it was the only way to restore the relationship that was lost when man sinned shortly after creation. Christians have joy at Christmas time, because we are reminded how much God loves us, and what He was willing to do to have a relationship with us.
To find out how he restored this broken relationship, go to the page "The Story of His Death and Resurrection".