High Country Impact - 2019
We have 15 churches participating in High Country Impact this year, which makes this our best year so far. We are so excited to see all the different ways our Association churches have chosen to show the love of Christ to their local community this year. Thank you to everyone who is planning to serve in any capacity on this special day!
Bethel Baptist Church:
Visiting Joy Cove
Home Visits to church members
Wood ministry
Pressure washing a community members home
First Baptist Church of Boone:
Visiting Joy Cove and interacting with the residents
Providing lunches for 150 Habitat for Humanity volunteers
Howard’s Creek Church:
Working at the home of an elderly church member
Putting together Sunshine Baskets
Laurel Springs Baptist Church:
Singing at Glenbridge
Picking up trash at White Laurel
Meat Camp Baptist Church:
Helping to roof a church in Caldwell County (September 14)
Mt. Calvary Baptist Church:
Family Fest at Historic Blowing Rock School
Perkinsville Baptist Church:
Handing out water on the Greenway
Door to door Evangelism
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church:
Hosting a meal for First Responders (Police, Fire, EMT’s, etc.)
Poplar Grove Baptist Church:
Putting together comfort bags for patients at the cancer center.
Providing fruit trays for cancer center employees.
Rutherwood Baptist Church:
Landscaping work at Parkway School
South Fork – Contact: David Cooper
Chemo Care bags for Cancer Center
Woodcutting ministry
Clearing tree from the back of the TFBA office
Stony Fork Baptist Church:
Hosting a coat giveaway for Parkway School students in need
Three Forks Baptist Church:
Hosting a Community Fun Day
Union Baptist Church:
Filling handbags with personal supplies for OASIS clients
Mowing and weed eating for community members
Giving away donuts to community
Visiting the elderly in the community
Giving away water at a 5K race and the Farmer’s Market
Clearing brush from the TFBA office
Willowdale Baptist Church:
Hosting a car show to raise money for missions.