Executive Council Meeting - June 4
The Executive Council of the Three Forks Baptist Association met June 4, 2019. Those in attendance were Travis Burt, Peter Vandenberg, Travis Suits, Jennifer Waldorf, Jeff Younce, Ben Bolick, and Seth Norris via phone.
Travis Suits called the meeting to order and Ben Bolick opened the meeting in prayer.
It was noted that this meeting will take the place of the previously scheduled Summer Executive Council meeting, originally scheduled for June 17.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Travis Burt moved to approve the minutes, Jeff Younce moved to second and the minutes were approved.
Finance Team: Garland’s severance check has been sent to him. The first counseling bill has been received. Jennifer will discuss with Leta Councill, the Associational bookkeeper, regarding how the accounting for both Avery and Three Forks Associations payments to Cornerstore Counselling will be handled.
Administration Team: Christ the King will be moving into an office upstairs, pending approval by Church Mutual Insurance Company. Jeff Younce asked that finance be kept apprised of the insurance needs for Christ The King as well.
Church Strengthening: There have been no changes with the Church Strengthening Team since the last meeting.
Missions Team: High Country Impact will go ahead as scheduled. There was recently a write up about High Country Impact in the Watauga Democrat. The Missions Team will meet on June 17.
Seth Norris has approached Harold Bennett with the idea of potentially being the interim director for the TFBA. Harold originally stated that he was not interested, but this idea is not, as of now, completely off the table. Lester Evans of the State Baptist Convention will be asked for potential recommendations for an interim Associational Missionary.
The question was also raised: How does the Association go about searching for applicants for the Associational Missionary position which does not attract the traditional applicants, but instead will attract someone who would continue to lead the Association forward.
It was suggested that the previous applicants for the position could be reviewed again, to see if any of them were still interested in the position. Seth will review these resumes. Those present were also asked to begin thinking about potential members of the search committee. It was determined that the person who is appointed as interim Associational Missionary would be eligible to apply for the open position.
Jeff Younce closed the meeting in prayer.