Executive Council Meeting - May 21
The Executive Council of the Three Forks Baptist Association met on May 21, 2019. Those in attendance were: Travis Suits, Seth Norris, Mike Grover, Travis Burt, Jeff Younce, Gary Watson, Nancy Williams, Phillip Woodring, Ben Bolick, Chuck Campbell, and Jennifer Waldorf
Moderator Rev. Seth Norris called the meeting to order with a reading from Galatians 6. Vice Moderator Rev. Travis Suits opened the meeting with prayer.
Severance package for Garland Honeycutt:
Although the Association is not required to provide a severance package for Garland Honeycutt, the finance committee of TFBA has recommended that the Association provide him with one month’s pay and up to $1500.00 in the course of one year for counselling. The severance will be paid out in one lump payment. As this comes as a recommendation from a committee of the Association, it requires no second.
Rev. Gary Watson asked if it would be wiser to provide the severance in two payments. Jeff Younce, finance team chair, noted that this had been discussed in the Finance Team meeting, and that they had determined that it would be better to do one payment in order to close out the salary line item and keep the books cleaner, but that if there was a strong objection to this, it could be revisited. It was also noted that the payments for counselling would be paid directly to the counselling center, and not to Garland himself.
After discussion, the vote to proceed with one month’s pay of $4216.66 paid in one installment and up to $1,500 towards the cost of counseling was held and the recommendation was passed.
The following issues were then discussed and delegated to various teams and individuals in the absence of a current Associational Missionary.
Travis Tyler contract:
Travis Tyler was recently contracted to be the Church Revitalization Catalyst for both Three Forks and Avery Baptist Associations. His contract was for two years at $9,000 per year, one third to be paid by the state convention, one third to be paid by Avery Baptist Association, and one third to be paid by Three Forks Baptist Association, using monies budgeted to the Church Strengthening Team. The contract was originally to start May 1, 2019 and run through April 30, 2021, but in light of recent events Travis Tyler wishes to push back the start date of the contract until after the summer. The Church Strengthening Team will facilitate conversations with Travis Tyler regarding the details of the delayed contract.
Christ The King Anglican Church
Christ the King Anglican Church has requested to be allowed to rent the upstairs office space at the Association. They were in talks with Garland about this rental agreement, and were told they could pay $300.00 monthly if approved for the space. They are currently meeting at Quality Inn for worship, and are renting a small office space on King Street for $600.00 per month. This issue was delegated to the Administrative Team for further consideration.
College Ministry Grants
TFBA churches were recently sent an email letting them know about a sum of money which has been made available for college ministry. The letter informed churches that they would be able to apply for grants of between $500 and $2000 each year for college missions. An application will be made available beginning July 1 and churches will be allowed to apply up until August 15. The Finance Team will take the lead moving forward with this project.
High Country Impact
High Country Impact is still on, and will be led by the Missions Team. The cookout is also still scheduled, and the Valle Crucis Community Park has been secured for Sunday, September 22. A Missions Team meeting will be called in the near future to move High Country Impact forward.
The Informer
The June issue of the Informer will focus primarily on various VBS’s at our Association churches. There will also be letters from the Executive Council and from Travis Burt regarding moving forward as an Association at this time.
Interim Leadership
Those present were asked for their thoughts regarding an interim Associational Missionary. Gary Watson remarked that we need to choose a path without too much delay, because without a leader people start to wander. Harold Bennett was named as one possibility for interim leadership, as he will soon be finishing an interim pastor position at a church.
Further discussion regarding Harold included the fact that he was an experienced Associational Missionary who would be able to heal those who have been discouraged by recent events and will help us to revision and move forward. Seth Norris will have a conversation with Harold regarding his thoughts on becoming the interim Associational missionary. He also called for prayer and fasting regarding choosing an interim and the search committee that will need to be appointed.
Gary Watson closed the meeting in prayer. The date of the next meeting was set for June 4, 2019.